In today’s society, parents and other family members may find it challenging to raise respectful children in what sometimes may feel like a disrespectful world. Abigail Carr with her wide range of experience from principal to a parenting consultant, will give some tips and strategies on positive parenting to help raise children with positive character attributes. Rather than focusing on what parents want their children to do, parents should ask what they want their child to become.

About Abigail Carr

Abigail Carr has specialised in Early Childhood Education and Care for 27 years. She has taught, managed, and led the establishment of 10 kindergartens in Hong Kong. Since the pandemic, Abigail has worked closely with parents of children under 8 years old, taking them from anxious and unsure about their child’s behaviour and learning, to connected and trusting of the processes that they can take to positively influence their child’s moral character and academic outcomes. Underpinning all she does for children, families, schools, and teachers is the belief that emphasising relationships and social-emotional development is paramount to ongoing positive parent-child relationships and children’s academic success. 

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