It’s time to get back into the swing of things. Children need social interaction and play to fully develop and build a good foundation to start school. With Bouncy Joey we are providing a class for those who may wish to ease back into school at a slower pace. This class caters to 2 to 3-year-olds and is unaccompanied. Bouncy Joey can help your child adapt to a school environment and begin having set routines. We will have circle time, storytelling sessions, arts and crafts as well as music and movement. Join Bouncy Joey and begin your learning journey with us!

Bouncy Joey

1.5 Hour School-like Programme

Bouncy Joey programme is designed for the little ones who would like to experience a real class setting independently from their parents or carers. This programme is specially designed according to our Pre-nursery class, with lots of different activities that you will find in the daily class routine which will give the children a more authentic trial on the school life and seamless transition to the next milestone in their early learning journey.

Programme Highlights

  • Circle Time
  • Storytelling
  • Art and Craft
  • Physical Activities
  • and so much more!